Sunday, November 30, 2008

Who am I?

I was 16 years old and I was standing in the District Attorney’s court room. I was staring at him, nervously wondering how he was going to judge the criminal offense I had just committed.

He was staring back at me rather disdainfully until he finally asked, “Son, what one advantage do you have over me?”

Standing there in dimly lit court room that smelled vaguely of urine, I could only think of the most obvious things – more hair and a higher sperm count.

I could see no advantage I had over this well-respected community leader who held a fancy law degree and an AARP card who would decide my fate, regardless of whatever witty retort I could muster.

As the title states, this is a guide to how life works. Parents, teachers and siblings will give advice on what to do with your life. This guide is not that kind of advice. This guide is for all the questions you don't want to ask your parents, teachers or friends or the ones wouldn't think to ask.

Teenage through college years are a wild ride for everyone. This is the time in your life that will define the rest of your life. You will establish your identity and the decisions you make during these times will determine where you are at when you’re looking for your first real job, deciding to get married, and about ready to retire (that means the rest of your life kids.)

It took me a minute, but then it hit me.

“Time. I have more time than you.”

He looked startled.

“That’s right,” he said, “and you have time to learn from your mistakes, like the one you just made.”

The purpose of this guide is simple. I’m going to share the advice with you I wish I had when I was going through high school and college. I’ll also share the advice I’m learning now in the corporate world.

This guide is for all - from the pimple faced brainiac to the super jock to every man in between. This guide will tell you about sex, women, drinking, partying, sports, cars, lies, money, drugs, rock & roll, technology, college, popularity contests and whatever else I feel like sharing.

You want to know why that hot girl in your algebra class doesn’t know you exist - keep reading. You’re wondering just how much your high school teachers really know about career advice - keep reading. If you’ve ever wanted to have someone look back at their life and say to you “these are the things you’re going to wish you did, but now it’s too late”, keep reading.

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